Forensic google street view
"At least!" I shouted when I discovered the "Polish Street View" profile on Insta ( If you haven't seen it before you need to check it - it's brilliant! Sweet, funny and intriguing. Having a strong maps fetish and some, spanning almost 20 years, interest in photography I was bound to love it.
What its more, I was really inspired to find the exact locations of the most interesting scenes.
The first one was the viral "Kids Gang" photo:
This one was easy, so I will use it to show the process: Łaziska Górne is a small town in the Silesia region. It's full of railroads and industrial infrastructure and buildings like the one above:
The first one was the viral "Kids Gang" photo:

This one was easy, so I will use it to show the process: Łaziska Górne is a small town in the Silesia region. It's full of railroads and industrial infrastructure and buildings like the one above:
After checking all the railway areas near the main town I was close to calling a defeat. Luckily there is an option to check actual city borders (red line on the map above) and I noticed another railway siding within them so I started my search again. Soon a pedestrian bridge and a building on the road turn ware enough to reveal the location:
So here is the final track down street view pin:,18.862117,3a,75y,298.04h,88.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shNAHPIQhPF4txacZO42K5g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!5m2!1e2!1e4
Second one: is much more ticky. This will be explained in the next post.

So here is the final track down street view pin:,18.862117,3a,75y,298.04h,88.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shNAHPIQhPF4txacZO42K5g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!5m2!1e2!1e4
Second one: is much more ticky. This will be explained in the next post.
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